
Fall Reading List

By Julie / November 1, 2019

If you’ve known me for any length of time the two things that have stayed consistent over the years are that I love watermelon and I love to read!   I thought it would be fun to post some fall books that are on my reading list before 2019 comes to an end.   Everything […]

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Staying Productive During the Holiday Season

By Julie / October 25, 2019

Whether it’s the holiday season, a big transition, an illness, or a new routine, staying productive when life changes happen is always a topic of conversation with entrepreneurs.   As we shift from one season to the next, I thought I’d share some thoughts about how I monitor my productivity and stay sane during the […]

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How to Set Better Boundaries With Clients

By Julie / October 17, 2019

Have you heard the saying “good fences make good neighbors”? I like to think the same is true for clients—“good boundaries make good clients.”   Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE my clients. I wake up some days and I can’t believe I’m lucky enough to get to work with such incredible entrepreneurs. But […]

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Online Courses: Should You Buy Another and What to Do If You Bought a Dud

By Julie / October 11, 2019

If you’ve hung around the online world for a while chances are you’ve had this experience: You sign up for a course, program, or mastermind, invest a lot of money, only to get access and realize that the value isn’t there for you.   Hopefully, you’ve had the opposite experience too where you’ve made an […]

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4 Reasons Why You Need SOPs in Your Business

By Julie / October 4, 2019

Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). When I first heard that term I thought, “How boring does that sound”! But little did I know that SOPs would soon become one of my most favorite things! SOPs are simply documented, step-by-step instructions for how to do something in a business. You can create SOPs for everything from ‘how […]

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Do I need a Virtual Assistant, an Online Business Manager, or a Coach?

By Julie / July 10, 2019

  Are you overwhelmed with your business and ready to finally get some help? Well, props to you! First, for building your business to be successful enough that you’re ready to grow your team. And Second for recognizing you need help. You’re tired of doing everything on your own, and you shouldn’t have to! Seriously, […]

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Lessons Learned from Falling Hard

By Julie / July 10, 2019

This weekend I went to visit my husband where he is currently working, 6 hours away in the middle of Alaska. We had a great visit but when we went to leave for home, my car broke down—talk about new levels of surrender, sheesh!  While we wait for our car to be repaired we are […]

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4 Tips to Find Your Dream Clients

By Julie / July 10, 2019

How different would your business feel if it was filled with your dream clients?  With some work on your part up front, this can be your reality! Which is why I’m sharing my 4 favorite tips for finding your dream clients. When I first started my business I was just thrilled to get on a […]

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4 Signs that It’s Time to Hire an Online Business Manager

By Julie / July 10, 2019

  OK, so you’ve built your business from the ground up, spent countless weekends and late nights doing #allthethings, and now you’re making money. Nice work! But somehow you’re still working away your weekends and evenings. You’re spending all of your time working in your business rather than on your business. You’re overwhelmed and frustrated—always […]

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Hi! I’m Julie. I launched my Online Business Manager business to partner with amazing business owners who need systems, planning, and automation. My clients get to focus on building the business, not hiding from it. I’m so glad you’re here!

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